Theming Guide
This is a very very rough draft. As of right now (June 6th), it's some rough notes on what the process is like right now.
First, make sure you have a copy of Drive installed (see installer and git repo instructions) (todo: put Google doc up and link it here).
After that, there are two starting points for theming.
- Are you using a pre-built theme? If so, go to the next section (Adapting a Pre-Built Theme)
- Are you building a bespoke theme? Skip to the "Src Package" section
This process might differ slightly depending on the project and the theme.
- Add CSS and JS files, and their sources, into assets/theme
- Link these assets in _base.twig
- In _layout_page.twig, add the navbar and footer
- Make sure content.twig, the generic default page, extends _layout_page.twig
- In the theme, look for a page that could be used as a generic content page. Add its header to the header block in content.twig. Add whatever wrappers you need to to the content block.
- See the file in the documentation folder for skinning blocks if you need a block that requires a little more than hacking a template selector into the block class input.
- If you are using Vue components in the src package, change their templates to match the theme.
Adapting a Pre-Built Theme
Before following these steps, make sure you have the theme file package downloaded. If you're adding the zip file to the project repository, a good place might be somewhere in assets.
Step 1: Assets
Unzip the package if needed. Look for a folder containing css, js, and anything else that belongs to the front-end (in themeforest themes, this is usually somewhere in the HTML folder).
Copy these into assets/theme while keeping the same structure. If you have a directory like this:
Then they should like this when you're done:
Example 1: Torbara's Team Template
Example 2: themezaa's Pofo Template
Getting and naming content indexes through the API
When using the API, indexes are named after who has permission to read them. These names are taken from the top-level lists in api/v1/config.php.
- Public
- Can be read by everyone
- Account
- Can only be read by users and admins
- Admin
- Can only be read by admins
More notes that'll eventually be organized
When using Vue components in the src package, don't wrap the page in the #appContainer element. This disables other scripts, especially from third-party themes. While it's possible to go through the theme js and re-initialize everything, it's not economical.